Empowering Next-Generation Researchers in Perinatal and Child Health (ENRICH)
Health Research Training Platforms | Canada – Global

ENRICH (Empowering Next-generation Researchers In perinatal and Child Health) is an inter-jurisdictional, interdisciplinary, intersectoral, and bilingual team of 193 experienced applicants, representing a total of 55 organizations, networks, and institutions. Its goal is to train child health researchers to improve the health and development of mothers, infants, children, youth, and families in Canada and throughout the world. ENRICH represents expertise across all clinical and research disciplines, providing the highest quality mentorship grounded in equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) principles. By embracing an intersectoral approach with public, private (for profit), and non-profit partners, ENRICH will ensure research learners are prepared for careers within and beyond academia. Its core competency framework will guide all levels of training, via 3 three distinct, but interconnected and complementary components: 1) Raising Interdisciplinary Scientist Excellence Learning Management System (RISE LMS), is an online, free-to-all training resource for scientific and professional skills development; 2) Enrichment Programs will provide training in advanced competencies for learners, with personalized mentorship, and experiential learning opportunities; and 3) Illumination Program including an annual symposium, networking opportunities with cross-sectoral employers, engagement with patient and community partners involved in research, and activities to promote ideation processes to create and implement knowledge to respond rapidly to emerging problems. These components will work synergistically to foster tailored learning opportunities appropriate for an individual’s stage of training, area of science, discipline, career goals, and sociocultural contexts.
Find out more about PASSERELLE's partners
Health Institutions | Québec
Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux de la Capitale-Nationale
Yukon Strategy for Patient-Oriented Research (YSPOR)
Health Research Training Platforms | Canada – Global
Training platform in diabetes, obesity and cardiometabolic health (myROaD)