SPOR SUPPORT Unit | Québec

The Strategy for Patient-Oriented Research (SPOR) is a pan-Canadian initiative established by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) to engage patients, caregivers and families as partners in the research process. The Quebec SPOR SUPPORT Unit is a provincial unit of the national SPOR network. The Unit’s team includes five axes (Partnership, Data Management, Data Valorisation, Change Management, Capacity Building), four teams deployed in university health and social services networks (Université de Montréal, Université de Sherbrooke, McGill University, Université Laval) and a community of patient partners. The Unit mobilizes the research, health and social services communities, with and for the population, to improve the patient experience and health outcomes, population health, system efficiency, human resource well-being and equity in health and social services. The Unit deploys expertise in the form of a toolkit (consultation, training and tools) available to individuals and organisations working in health, research and social care.
Find out more about PASSERELLE's partners
Professionnal Associations | Canada – Global
Canadian Family Practice Nurse Association (CFPNA)
Professionnal Associations | Canada – Global
The College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC)
Health Research Training Platforms | Canada – Global
Training platform in diabetes, obesity and cardiometabolic health (myROaD)