Can-SOLVE CKD Network
SPOR Networks | Canada – Global
Can-SOLVE CKD is a pan-Canadian, patient-oriented chronic kidney disease research partnership. More than 120 researchers across the country are involved in 18 research projects developed around issues identified by the patient partners. Network members include patients, researchers, policy makers and health care providers. The goal of Can-SOLVE CKD is to transform the treatment and care of Canadians with chronic kidney disease. Through its activities, Can-SOLVE CKD encourages the participation of individuals in clinical trials regardless of age, sex, gender, geographic location, or ethnicity, and promotes effective and responsive care delivery. The priorities and perspectives of patients, including indigenous patients, are represented through two governance bodies: a Patient Governance Circle, and an Indigenous Peoples’ Engagement and Research Council. Can-SOLVE CKD is one of five chronic disease networks in the SPOR (Strategy for Patient Oriented Research) initiative of CIHR (Canadian Institutes of Health Research).
Find out more about PASSERELLE's partners
National Networks | Canada – Global
Canadian Association for Health Services and Policy Research (CAHSPR)
Provincial Research Networks | Québec
The Quebec Research Network in Cardiometabolic Health, Diabetes and Obesity (CMDO)
Health Research Training Platforms | Canada – Global
Training platform in diabetes, obesity and cardiometabolic health (myROaD)