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Recommendations for the Next Generation of POR Researchers

The Comité de la relève en recherche axée sur le patient has published a report (in French) on recommendations for the next generation of POR researchers, entitled “Learners’ place within the learning health system: conditions for supporting the success and cooperation for the next generation of researchers”.
Last year, the committee, affiliated with Réseau-1 Québec and Unité de soutien SSA Québec and co-chaired by Mélanie Ann Smithman, PhD Smithman and Isabelle Dufour, held a symposium as part of the 90th edition of the Acfas convention.
This event brought together members of the next generation of researchers, researchers and patient partnership communities, with the aim of issuing recommendations to facilitate the integration of the next generation of researchers in learning healthcare ecosystems, including the Quebec research ecosystem.

Read the full report (in French)

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