Become a member

Preferential access

Join a diverse, inclusive, and active community of people engaged in the science and practice of patient-oriented research.

Multiple benefits

Why become a member?

Members will be able to apply to specific patient-oriented research capacity development programs offered in collaboration with our partners, including awards, fellowships, and mentorship programs. A dedicated virtual space for members to network, share, and collaborate will also be available.

Application form

A diverse community

Who can become a member?

  • Patients and their loved ones, caregivers, and citizens who want to learn about patient-oriented research and how to use their experiences to improve healthcare by partnering with a research team;
  • Researchers who want to apply patient-oriented research principles to their research program and share their vision with the research community;
  • Trainees (graduate students, clinical and postdoctoral fellows) who want to improve their understanding of patient-oriented research and their competencies associated with its practice through funding pathways and mentorship opportunities.
  • Clinicians and health and social service professionals who want to generate and apply knowledge to improve health outcomes;
  • Healthcare administrators and policymakers who want to use the best, patient-centered, research findings to make informed decisions;
  • Academic leaders who want to create innovative environments to facilitate the application of research to real-world problems.

Membership is free.

Application form

Application form

Join a vibrant community

By clicking on the "Submit" button, you confirm that you are ready to provide your answers to the above questions.

"*" indicates required fields

General informations


Select one or more choices from what most represents your role in research with and for patients.


To a University

To a health establishment or research center

To an entity funded by SPOR

Other affiliation

Expertise field

Select all areas of research interest that apply to you.
Health research*
Select all areas of health research interest that concern you.
Research with and for patients*
Select all areas of interest for research with and for the patients that concern you.