Répertoire de ressources
Notre répertoire rassemble une variété de ressources et d’outils pour la RAP, comme des guides de bonnes pratiques, des outils de planification ou encore des webinaires enregistrés. Disponible en français et en anglais, ce répertoire vous aide à trouver les ressources qui répondent à vos besoins.
Page web | Français et Anglais
Cadre d'évaluation de l'engagement patient
Centre d'excellence sur le partenariat avec les patients et le public (CEPPP), 2023. Le Cadre d’évaluation de l’engagement des patients et du public (EPP) en recherche, Apprendre Ensemble, est un outil national adaptable, qui peut être utilisé pour planifier et pour évaluer le processus d’engagement avant, pendant et à la fin d’un projet.
Page web | Anglais
Supporting Equity-centered Engagement
McMaster Faculty of Health Science. A guide to help navigate the many helpful resources that exist to help centre equity in engagement work.
Document | Anglais
Patients as Partners in Research-Planning Guide
Patients Canada (supported by OSSU), 2016. Guidelines for patient/caregiver partners on a research team.
Document | Anglais
CIHR Patient Engagement Framework
SPOR/SRAP, 2014. The SPOR Patient Engagement Framework is designed to establish key concepts, principles and areas for patient engagement to be adopted by all SPOR partners.
Document | Anglais
Guidance on Being a Patient and Public Partner in Research
SPOR Evidence Alliance. A tool designed to provide guidance to patient and public partners on how to engage in health research in a meaningful and collaborative way.
Infographie | Français
Infographie sur la participation des patients
Diabetes Action Canada. Un outil pour comprendre comment les patients partenaires sont impliqués dans la recherche.
Vidéos | Anglais
Mobilizing Indigenous Engagement and Cultural Competency
Can-SOLVE CKD, 2022. A webinar on mobilizing Indigenous engagement and cultural competency, meeting the Indigenous Initiatives team, and understanding the fundamentals of respectful engagement with Indigenous peoples.
Guide | Anglais
Ensuring the Ethical Conduct of Patient-Oriented Research: A Guide for Researchers
BC SPOR Support Unit, 2018. To provide researchers, trainees, and post-doctoral fellows with an overview of the current areas of ethical consideration discussed in the research literature on ethical engagement in POR.
Page web | Français et Anglais
eSRAP - Plateforme de veille informationnelle sur la RAP
Unité de soutien SSA Québec, 2018. eSRAP est une plateforme de veille collaborative conçue pour aider des communautés intéressées par un sujet (incluant des chercheurs, cliniciens, décideurs et patients partenaires) à se maintenir à jour sur les dernières publications scientifiques sur ce sujet. eSRAP facilite la sélection des publications pertinentes et l’accès aux publications sélectionnées. eSRAP vise à optimiser le partage des efforts de veille et celui des connaissances, et ultimement à démocratiser les veilles.
Balado | Anglais
Matters of Engagement - A series of podcast on patient engagement
OSSU - Ontario SPOR support Unit, 2022. A series of podcasts on patient engagement and how people in Canada access and experience health care service delivery and distribution; how those experiences impact both individual and community health; and the multitude of environmental, systemic, and political factors that favour some and disadvantage many.
Vidéos | Anglais
Patient EngagEment in Research (PEER) Webinar Series
Chronic Pain Network, 2021. A webinar series concerning patient engagement in research.
Document | Anglais
Engagement Rubric for Applicants
PCORI, 2016. The Engagement Rubric illustrates how input from patient and stakeholder partners can be incorporated throughout the entire research process.
Page web | Anglais
Engagement in Health Research Literature Explorer
PCORI. A searchable list of publications on engagement in health research sortable by article topic type, types of stakeholders engaged, and phase(s) of research in which engagement occurred, from identifying research questions to sharing study results.
Page web | Anglais
Engagement Tool and Resource Repository for Patient-Centered Outcomes Research
PCORI. A searchable peer-to-peer repository including resources that can inform future work in PCOR.
Document | Anglais
Engagement Plan
PCORI, 2021. An Engagement Plan that outlines how stakeholder partners will be involved in all phases of the study.
Document | Anglais
Budgeting for Engagement Activities
PCORI, 2020. To help applicants incorporate engagement into their study proposal and budget, this document presents guidance to help researchers identify budgetary items associated with engagement within a research study.
Document | Anglais
Compensation Framework
PCORI, 2015. PCORI’s Compensation Framework provides guidance for establishing fair compensation levels for patients, caregivers, and organizations.
Document | Anglais
Guide for Engaging with Research Partners about Data Analysis
PCORI. A guide to prepare research staff to involve research partners in analyzing and interpreting quantitative data.
Page web | Anglais
Research Fundamentals: Preparing You to Successfully Contribute to Research
PCORI. A collection of tools offering different ways to learn about the health research process and be involved in patient-centered outcomes research.
Page web | Anglais
Building Effective Multi-Stakeholder Research Teams
PCORI. A webpage which provides information and resources to help you succeed in conducting research in multi-stakeholder teams.
Page web | Anglais
Patient Engagement Toolkit
Kaiser Permanente and PCORI. The Patient Engagement Toolkit offers materials to support researchers who want to engage with patients in conducting research.
Page web | Anglais
Beyond Sex and Gender: Making Research More Participatory for Vulnerable Populations
Women's College Research Institute. A module examining strategies to strengthen collaborative research with vulnerable, marginalized or socially excluded communities.
Document | Anglais
Feuille de route pour le partenariat avec les usagers et leurs proches dans un système de santé apprenant
Centre d'excellence sur le partenariat avec les patients et le public (CEPPP), 2022. Cet outil a pour objectif d’expliciter les rôles des usagères, des usagers et de leurs proches dans un SSA et de décrire comment ces personnes peuvent, individuellement et collectivement, contribuer à ses multiples dimensions.
Page web | Anglais
Public and Patient Engagement Evaluation Tool
McMaster Faculty of Health Science. The Public and Patient Engagement Evaluation Tool (PPEET) is a series of three questionnaires to evaluate public and patient engagement.
Document | Anglais
Supporting High Quality Patient, Family and Caregiver Engagement: Principles and Practice
McMaster Faculty of Health Science, 2021. Slides of a workshop concerning principles, values, and enablers of high quality patient, family, and caregiver engagement, approaches to implimenting purposeful engagement in practice, as well as challenges, barriers, and solutions to effective patient, family, and caregiver engagement.
Page web | Français
Soutien à l’engagement axé sur l’équité
McMaster Faculty of Health Science. Un guide qui vise à vous aider à naviguer sur les diverses ressources utiles qui existent afin que vous puissiez mettre l’équité au centre de votre travail d’engagement.
Page web | Anglais
Engage with Impact Toolkit
McMaster Faculty of Health Science. The Engage with Impact Toolkit was designed to help organizations evaluate the impact of their patient, family and caregiver engagement programs and activities.
Document | Anglais
Engaging and partnering with older adults in health research: The why and the how
McMaster Faculty of Health Science, 2021. Slides concerning the rationale for engaging community partners in health research, who to engage, how, when and in what, as well as how to embed high-quality engagement practices into your research.
Vidéos | Anglais
Supporting your Engagement Work through Evaluation
McMaster Faculty of Health Science, 2023. A webinar to introduce participants to the growing number of engagement evaluation tools, discuss the importance of choosing the right tools for your purpose and stage of engagement activity, work through case examples of how to implement different evaluation tools in different contexts, and reflect on the current state of public and patient engagement evaluation.
Document | Anglais
Workbook to guide the development of a Patient Engagement In Research (PEIR) Plan
University of British Columbia, 2018. A workbook to facilitate high-quality partnerships between researchers and patient partners undertaking research projects together by presenting guidance for research project teams to plan their activities.
Page web | Anglais
Patient Engagement Toolbox
University of Toronto. A list of resources and guides to answer common questions about patient engagement.
Vidéos | Anglais
Integrating the Patient Voice in Health Research: The What, Why and How
AllerGen NCE, 2017. This webinar discusses what patient engagement is (and isn’t), why it’s important and how BC’s Strategy for Patient-Oriented Research (SPOR) SUPPORT Unit is working to “get it right.”
Page web | Anglais
Resources for Patients, Families and Caregivers
Health Quality Ontario. A collection of resources that offer a variety of ways ome can play an active role partnering effectively with health providers and organizations – including understanding the power of patient partnering, learning how to become an advisor, and ways to effectively share one's story.
Page web | Anglais
Resources for Health Care Providers
Health Quality Ontario, A number of resources and tools to help integrate patient partnering into your professional domain.
Document | Anglais
A Guide for Health Care Organizations
Health Quality Ontario. A list of methods to guide when and how to engage patients and caregivers in your organization’s work.
Document | Anglais
Resource Guide: Patient and Community Engagement in the Design and Implementation of Research Studies
Unity Health Toronto, 2022. A three-level Resource Guide tailored to any researcher who intends to start learning or expanding their knowledge of equitable patient and community engagement in the design and implementation of research studies.
Page web | Anglais
The Patient Experience Library
The Patient Experience Library. A webpage which puts a wealth of patient experience evidence in one place with free search and unlimited downloads.
Document | Anglais
A Resource Toolkit for Engaging Patient and Families at the Planning Table
Alberta Health Services, 2014. Find out more about the values and benefits of patient engagement and discover how patient engagement has improved health outcomes through this toolkit provided by Alberta Health Services.
Document | Anglais
Patient Partner Orientation Guides
BRIC NS. A series of guides for patients and caregivers who are interested in becoming involved in healthcare research.
Document | Français
Cadre de référence de l'approche de partenariat entre les usagers, leurs proches et les acteurs en santé et en services sociaux
Ministère de la Santé et des Services Sociaux, 2018. Un document qui vise à guider les usagers, les proches, les intervenants et les gestionnaires du ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux (MSSS) et du réseau de la santé et des services sociaux (RSSS) en matière d’approche de partenariat et à préciser les balises au sein desquelles doit se définir et s’actualiser cette approche.
Document | Anglais
Doing Good Health Research in Northern Indigenous Communities: A Guide to Research Review
Arctic Institute of Community-Based Research, 2015. A booklet intended to assist indigenous communities in ensuring that research is conducted ethically and according to community values.
Document | Anglais
Knowledge Translation for Indigenous Communities - Policy Making Toolkit
The National collaborating Centre for Aboriginal Health, 2006. A toolkit to provide practical assistance to community policy makers and those who assist them (policy analysts, etc.) in development of Knowledge Translation (KT) policy. The specific focus is on health related knowledge translation.
Document | Anglais
Guidelines for Ethical Aboriginal Research
Noojmowin Teg Health Access Centre, 2003. A resource manual for the development of ethical and culturally appropriate community-based research within the First Nations communities in the Manitoulin area.
Document | Anglais
For citizens partnering in research: Preparing to partner from our perspective
Patients Canada (supported by OSSU), 2016. A reflexion on partnering in research from patients' perspective.
Document | Anglais
Partnering with citizens in research- What’s helpful from our perspective
Patients Canada (supported by OSSU), 2016. Understanding the basics of partnership with citizens in research.
Document | Anglais
Patients as Partner in Research (Researcher Surveys)
Patients Canada (supported by OSSU), 2016. To understand the actual experience of researchers when they partner with patients and caregivers on a project where the patients and/or caregivers are members of the research team. The questions are practical and look to identify behaviours that support productive partnerships.
Document | Anglais
Patients as Partner in Research (Patient/Caregiver Surveys)
Patients Canada (supported by OSSU), 2016. To understand the actual experience of researchers when they partner with patients and caregivers on a project where the patients and/or caregivers are members of the research team. The questions are practical and look to identify behaviours that support productive partnerships.
Document | Anglais
SPOR Capacity Building Framework
SPOR/SRAP, 2015. A guide for capacity-building activities of all SPOR partners, including CIHR, in the development of each partner's individual capacity development action plans.
Document | Français
Cadre de renforcement des capacités de la SRAP
SPOR/SRAP, 2015. Le Cadre de renforcement des capacités de la SRAP a été conçu pour offrir une vision, des principes et des éléments communs aux partenaires de la SRAP afin d’orienter leurs activités de renforcement des capacités.
Document | Français
Cadre d'engagement des patients des IRSC
SPOR/SRAP, 2014. Le Cadre d'engagement des patients de la SRAP vise à établir des concepts, des principes et des domaines clés pour que l'engagement des patients soit adopté par tous les partenaires de la SRAP.
Document | Anglais
Considerations when paying patient partners in research
SPOR/SRAP, 2022. A webpage which contains considerations for researchers and research partners offering payment to patients who act as partners in research and research-related activities.
Document | Français
Points à considérer lorsqu’une rétribution est accordée à des patients partenaires en recherche
SPOR/SRAP, 2022. Une page web qui contient des considérations pour les chercheurs et les partenaires de recherche qui offrent une rétribution aux patients qui agissent comme partenaires dans des activités de recherche/liées à la recherche.
Document | Anglais
CIHR Jargon Buster
SPOR/SRAP, 2022. A glossary which provides lay language definitions for frequently used health research terms.
Document | Français
Explication du jargon des IRSC
SPOR/SRAP, 2022. Un glossaire qui présente des définitions en langage clair et simple de termes fréquemment utilisés en recherche en santé.
Document | Anglais
Tips on Citizen Engagement for Evidence-Synthesis Teams
SPOR Evidence Alliance, 2023. Insights from citizen partners who partnered with evidence-synthesis teams during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Vidéos | Anglais
SPOR Evidence Alliance Webinars
SPOR Evidence Alliance. A collection of webinars on patient-oriented research and patient engagement.
Document | Anglais
Guidance on Engaging Patient and Public Partners in Research as a Researcher
SPOR Evidence Alliance, 2021. A tool designed to provide guidance to researchers wishing to engage patients and members of the public in health research in a meaningful, non-tokenistic way.
Document | Anglais
Reflective Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Exercise
SPOR Evidence Alliance, 2021. A tool designed to support exploration of the social advantages and/or disadvantages in an individual’s life, and learn how these intersecting social factors can impact a research project.
Document | Anglais
Conflicts of Interest Disclosure Policy
SPOR Evidence Alliance, 2023. This policy is to outline the procedures in place to identify and manage any real, perceived or potential COIs. This policy describes the different types of COI disclosures, the protocol for reporting and managing significant COIs, and includes the COI disclosure form.
Document | Anglais
Patient Partner Appreciation Policy and Protocol
SPOR Evidence Alliance, 2019. To provide information on the policies and procedures in place to show recognition and appreciation of patient partner contributions in the Alliance.
Document | Anglais
Tips for Research Conversations with Research Partners
Chronic Pain Network, 2019. A list of tips to help guide researchers' and/or trainees' preparation for research conversations with CPN patient partners.
Document | Anglais
Roles for Patient Partners in Your Project
Chronic Pain Network. A summary of patient engagement and what roles patient partners can have in a project.
Document | Anglais
Recommendations on Patient Engagement Compensation
Chronic Pain Network. A tool containing recommendations on harmonizing an approach to Patient Partner Compensation across all SPOR Networks and SPOR SUPPORT Units.
Vidéos | Anglais
Patients as Partners in Research
Diabetes Action Canada, 2021. A webinar which provides trainees with an opportunity to have their questions about how to incorporate POR in their research design.
Document | Anglais
Patient Engagement Infographic
Diabetes Action Canada. A tool to understand how patient partners are involved in research.
Document | Français
À faire et à ne pas faire pour l'engagement des patients
Diabetes Action Canada. Un document de conseils et bonnes pratiques pour les intervenants en recherche vis-à-vis les patients partenaires.
Document | Anglais
Patient Engagement Do’s and Dont’s
A document providing patient engagement guidelines for researchers, patient partners and anyone new joining Diabetes Action Canada.
Document | Français
Politique de rémunération financière pour les patients partenaires
Diabetes Action Canada. La recherche et les autres activités liées à la recherche financées par l’Action diabète Canada doivent refléter le temps et les contributions de tous les partenaires.
Document | Anglais
Financial Compensation Policy for Patient Partners
Diabetes Action Canada. The Diabetes Action Canada Policy on Patient Partner compensation.
Document | Anglais
Patient Remuneration
IMAGINE. Compensation rates from IMAGINE.
Page web | Anglais
How to Distil Key Messages from an Academic Publication and Communicate Using Plain Language
Can-SOLVE CKD. A module dedicated to enhancing the understanding and importance of knowledge translation (KT).
Page web | Anglais
Patient Engagement Toolkit
Can-SOLVE CKD, 2022. A toolkit which helps research teams communicate, identify common goals, and define roles for patients. The toolkit includes tips for collaboration in patient engagement, a glossary of terms, and practical tools to support the internal functioning of teams, such as a skills and contributions chart.
Document | Anglais
Knowledge Keepers in Research
Can-SOLVE CKD. A resource to create a culturally safe space for researchers, patient partners and Knowledge Keepers to come together. It will encourage researchers to honor various forms of knowledge alongside Indigenous Knowledge Keepers and help them translate those teachings into practice.
Vidéos | Anglais
Indigenous Research Ethics and Protocols
Can-SOLVE CKD, 2019. This webinar series aims to help researchers, team members, and patient partners acquire skills to respectfully engage Indigenous peoples and communities in health research in the spirit of reconciliation.
Vidéos | Anglais
Perspectives on Engaging Patients Through the Research Process
Can-SOLVE CKD, 2018. A presentation to demystify the research process and to explain how researchers and patients are working together on research projects.
Vidéos | Anglais
Patient Engagement in Knowledge Translation
Can-SOLVE CKD, 2021. A webinar concerning patient engagement and integrated knowledge translation (KT), the Can-SOLVE CKD experience with patient engagement and knowledge translation, and opportunities for pateint engagement in integrated knowledge translation.
Vidéos | Anglais
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in Research: What You Need to Know
Can-SOLVE CKD, 2022. In this webinar, you will learn how to incorporate equity, diversity and inclusion into your research.
Balado | Anglais
Partnered Primary Care Research Podcast
Canadian Primary Care Research Network (CPCRN). A series of podcasts about and with patient partners (research for you, by you).
Document | Anglais
Tip Sheet on Engaging Youth in Research
CHILD-BRIGHT. Tip Sheet on Engaging Youth in Research.
Document | Français
Fiche de conseils sur l’engagement des jeunes dans la recherche
CHILD-BRIGHT. Fiche de conseils sur l’engagement des jeunes dans la recherche.
Document | Anglais
Patient-Partner Compensation Guidelines
CHILD-BRIGHT, 2020. Childbright compensation guidelines.
Document | Anglais
Engaging Northern Youth
TNW SPOR Support Unit, 2018. Key findings to help health researchers and others involved in the health system better connect with youth.
Document | Anglais
Patient Engagement Budget Builder
Manitoba SPOR Support Unit. A template to help with the financial planning of patient engagement.
Page web | Anglais
Knowledge nudge - Patient Engagement in Practice
Manitoba SPOR Support Unit. A series of short reads on patient engagement in practice and methods of patient engagement.
Document | Anglais
Methods of Patient and Public Engagement - A Guide
Manitoba SPOR Support Unit, 2020. This guide will help explore options for participatory approaches and engagement methods at various stages of research, and various levels of patient and public partner involvement.
Document | Anglais
Integration of Sex and Gender in Health Reseach - A checklist
SCPOR (Saskatchewan SPOR Unit), 2019. A checklist to help and support the integration of Sex and gender consideration in health research.
Guide | Anglais
The Indigenous Research Level of Engagement Tool (IRLET)
SCPOR (Saskatchewan SPOR Unit). IRLET measures the degree to which a given project meets patient-oriented research criteria in the context of Indigenous communities.
Guide | Anglais
Patient-Oriented Research Level of Engagement Tool (PORLET)
SCPOR (Saskatchewan SPOR Unit). PORLET was created with Patient Partners to provide a standard set of criteria for determining the level of Patient Partner engagement on POR teams.
Page web | Anglais
Patient-Oriented Research Project Planning Tool
SCPOR (Saskatchewan SPOR Unit), 2019. To guide the discussion about how patients may be engaged in a research project.
Document | Anglais
Patient-Oriented Research— Project Planning Tool Summary
SCPOR (Saskatchewan SPOR Unit), 2016. To guide the discussion about how patients may be engaged in a research project.
Document | Français
Meilleures pratiques pour l'engagement des patient.e.s en mode virtuel
SCPOR (Saskatchewan SPOR Unit). Stratégies pour faire respecter les valeurs et les principes de la Recherche Axée sur le Patient tout en permettant aux patients partenaires de rester à la maison.
Document | Anglais
Best Practices for Virtual Patient Engagement
SCPOR (Saskatchewan SPOR Unit). Strategies for research teams to uphold the values and principles set out in Patient-Oriented Research while patient partners stay home.
Document | Anglais
Onboarding Guide for New Patient-Oriented Research Teams
SCPOR (Saskatchewan SPOR Unit). A list of things to consider when you start a patient-oriented research project.
Document | Anglais
Onboarding guide for Patient Partners new to a Patient-Oriented Research Team
SCPOR (Saskatchewan SPOR Unit). A list of things to consider when you start engaging with a patient-oriented research project.
Document | Anglais
Patient Partner Honoraria
SCPOR (Saskatchewan SPOR Unit). Honoraria rates from the SCPOR (Saskatchewan).
Document | Anglais
Patient Honoraria & Expenses
SCPOR (Saskatchewan SPOR Unit). Honoraria and consultation rates from the SCPOR (Saskatchewan).
Document | Anglais
Patient Engagement In Research Scale - PEIRS
BC SPOR Support Unit, 2018. Self-reported questionnaire on patient engagement in research.
Document | Anglais
Patient-Oriented Research Pathways Self-assessment Readiness Tool For Patients
BC SPOR Support Unit, 2019. To support patients in uncovering competencies required to engage in patient-oriented research.
Document | Anglais
Patient-Oriented Research Pathways Self-assessment Readiness Tool For Researchers
BC SPOR Support Unit, 2019. To support researchers in uncovering competencies required to engage in patient-oriented research.
Document | Anglais
Tips for being a patient partner on research teams
BC SPOR Support Unit. To support patient partners engaging in research teams.
Document | Anglais
Evidence-Informed Practices and Strategies for Patient-Oriented Research (POR): A ‘Menu’ for Research Teams
BC SPOR Support Unit, 2019. To support research teams considering or moving into Patient-Oriented Research (POR) by offering a ‘menu’ of evidence-informed practices and strategies for effective engagement.
Vidéos | Anglais
Who, me Yes, you! Becoming a Patient Partner in Health Research
BC SPOR Support Unit, 2017. A webinar to learn how patients and the public can make meaningful contributions as partners in health research and how the BC SUPPORT Unit is striving to get patient engagement right.
Page web | Anglais
A Journey Through Public and Patient Engagement in health research : A Road Map
BC SPOR Support Unit. An interactive “road map” that focuses on patient and public partners on a research team, outlining diverse activities that they could engage in across multiple phases of a health research project.
Document | Anglais
Guide - How Patient-Oriented is Your Research?
BC SPOR Support Unit, 2019. To help identify the extent to which a proposed research project might be patient-oriented.
Guide | Français
Guide sur l'évaluation des partenariats en recherche participative organisationnelle (RPO)
Unité de soutien SSA Québec. Cet outil peut servir aux différentes parties prenantes d’une recherche participative organisationnelle pour évaluer rapidement leur partenariat et utiliser les résultats pour améliorer continuellement ce partenariat.
Guide | Anglais
Organizational Participatory Research Practice Guide
Unité de soutien SSA Québec, 2018. A practice guide addresses aspects of participatory research that are unique to Organizational Participatory Research (OPR).
Guide | Français
Guide pratique – Stratégie de partenariat avec les patients et le public en recherche
Unité de soutien SSA Québec, 2018. Survol des différents éléments clés du partenariat avec les patients et le public en recherche. Le guide navigue de questions en questions relativement au pourquoi, avec qui, quand, à quels moments et comment mettre en place une stratégie de partenariat avec les patients et le public de sorte à ce que le lecteur puisse accéder rapidement aux sections d’intérêt.
Document | Français
« Ça vous va, si on réutilise vos données de santé? »: une bande dessinée éclairante sur le partage de vos données de santé
Unité de soutien SSA Québec, 2022. Cette bande dessinée permet à la population de comprendre pourquoi les équipes de recherche et le personnel médical souhaitent avoir accès aux données de santé. Elle explique également comment l’équipe de CLARET propose de rendre possible le consentement des gens au partage de leurs données dans un contexte sécuritaire, transparent, acceptable et accessible.
Page web | Français et Anglais
ENGAGE: Des méthodes participatives et des outils visuels et auditifs pour engager les populations vulnérables en recherche
Unité de soutien SSA Québec, 2020. Comment impliquer les personnes vulnérables ou ayant un faible niveau de littératie en recherche en santé? Comment réduire les barrières entre la recherche universitaire et les membres de la communauté? Coconstruit par des organismes communautaires et les communautés de recherche canadienne et internationale, le site web bilingue ENGAGE propose des méthodes participatives et des outils visuels et auditifs.
Document | Anglais
Terms of Reference (ToR) Template
ABSPORU - Alberta SPOR Support Unit, 2018. To assist research teams and other groups in the co-development of terms of reference with their knowledge users and in particular their patient / public members.
Guide | Français et Anglais
Fairness is Excellence: The Ontario SPOR SUPPORT Unit’s Equity Framework
OSSU - Ontario SPOR support Unit. A framework that explains principles and practices for promoting equity in patient-oriented research, and the equity-related requirements for researchers working with the Ontario SPOR SUPPORT Unit (OSSU).
Document | Anglais
Patient Engagement and Canada’s SPOR Initiative: A Resource Guide for Research Teams and Networks
OSSU - Ontario SPOR support Unit, 2015. A guide prepared with the objective of supporting researchers, decision makers and other relevant stakeholders involved in a wide range of SPOR-related activities.
Guide | Anglais
Partnering principles and strategies: A guidance document for researchers, patients, and caregivers
OSSU - Ontario SPOR support Unit, 2020. To plan for and involve patient, caregiver, and public research partners in activities and projects.
Document | Français
Livre blanc sur le partenariat avec les patientes, les patients et le public
Centre d'excellence sur le partenariat avec les patients et le public (CEPPP), 2022. Ce livre blanc permet à chaque milieu de déployer le partenariat avec les patientes et les patients en fonction de ses particularités et de son historique. Il propose une structure minimale et guide les milieux pour qu’ils s’approprient son opérationnalisation stratégique, tactique et opérationnelle au quotidien.
Document | Français
Principes directeurs – Dédommagement financier pour la recherche en partenariat avec les patients et le public
Centre d'excellence sur le partenariat avec les patients et le public (CEPPP), 2018. Principes directeurs pour le dédommagement financier pour la recherche en partenariat avec les patients et le public - Unité de soutien SRAP du Québec et CEPPP.
Document | Français
Mandat pour l’implication de patients partenaires et/ou membres du public en recherche
Centre d'excellence sur le partenariat avec les patients et le public (CEPPP), 2018. Permettre à l’équipe de recherche de structurer un mandat clair pour l’implication de patients partenaires ou membres du public dans leur projet de recherche.
Page web | Français et Anglais
Boîte à outils d’évaluation de l’engagement des patients et du public
Centre d'excellence sur le partenariat avec les patients et le public (CEPPP). La Boîte à outils d’évaluation est un registre destiné aux divers acteurs du secteur de la santé, conçue à la suite d’une revue systématique rigoureuse des outils d’évaluation de l’engagement du patient et du public.
Document | Français
Terminologie de la pratique collaborative et du partenariat patient en santé et services sociaux
Centre d'excellence sur le partenariat avec les patients et le public (CEPPP), 2016. Ce document présente les définitions des principaux concepts fondateurs du partenariat patient en santé et services sociaux.
Guide | Anglais
Patient and Public Engagement Planning Template
NL SPOR Support Unit, 2016. Template designed to assist with the development of Patient Engagement plans for health research but can be used to plan other projects,
Guide | Anglais
Patient Partner Appreciation - NL SUPPORT and Quality of Care NL Guidelines
NL SPOR Support Unit, 2021. Guide to Patient Partner Appreciation - NL SUPPORT and Quality of Care NL Guidelines.
Guide | Anglais
Patient Engagement and Research Ethics Guidelines
NL SPOR Support Unit, 2021. Guidelines developed by the Newfoundland and Labrador Health Research Ethics Authority.
Vidéos | Anglais
How to access Data and Public Engagement in Health Data Research with HDRN Canada
NL SPOR Support Unit, 2023. This webinar presents HDRN Canada’s Data Access Support Hub (DASH) and how public engagement has been shaping the work of Health Data Research Network Canada.
Vidéos | Anglais
Ethics and Patient Engagement: An Online Panel Discussion
NL SPOR Support Unit, 2022. This webinar will explore ethical issues related to patient engagement in research.
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